The 21/90 Rule: A Way To Better Life

2 min readDec 24, 2020

This rule is all about building new habits and make it a permanent lifestyle change.

The 21/90 rule gives a clear path to start a new life that changes everything. This rule should be implemented in life to make it the best ever. To adapt this rule requires certain steps such as

The 21/90 Rule

21/90: Set Up Goals

At the initial stage lining up, goals are most necessary because it will help to focus on specific things that require accomplishing something. Once goals decided to display in a visible place such as on walls or on a mobile’s screen that reminds you and help to focus on pre-established goals.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible” — Tony Robbins.

Setting Goals

21/90: Make A Plan

Level out steps that needed to achieve goals or break down your activities into small activities that can be done in days. Set time and date with each activity is a helpful way to set yourself for success and help to build new habits.

Make a Plan

21/90: Focus

It’s not necessary to do everything divide it and focus on particular things, the rest will follow.

“If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one”

21/90: Commit

you need to put a commitment to your work and the 21/90 rule is successful only when you continuously stick to your plan, the days must be consecutive. if you think you will have trouble committing, set boundaries. For example, if you need to take a day off make sure you do not miss two in row.

21/90: Repeat

Repeat again repeat this will make you the best and this rule can be used again and again to build new habits and change your lifestyle. Start small but think big.

“An Idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought” said, Napoleon Hill

Repeat Again & Again

